As you can see from the rest of this site, we have developed a semiconductor structure that appears to convert heat directly into electricity. If you have plowed through the Test Results document, you saw that those results confirm our expectations of direct conversion. However, we recognize our bias. We know that our testing needs independent confirmation. We also know we need other minds considering all this.
Maybe you can help.
The biggest things that would help us move forward right now are:
1) Ask questions in general (for our FAQ). Several of your questions have already been added to our FAQ.
2) Review the test results document, looking to find fault with it and/or suggest additional testing. It has had some independant review, however, it is never enough. We also invite you to identify places where it isn’t clear.
3) Execute more testing, either with existing prototypes or with better materials (i.e., HgCdTe family). The latter probably requires VC money or other outside resources.
4) Pass along information about us to anyone who could help with the above.
We love questions.